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Some things that I’ve learnt, in no particular order
Recently, I’ve lost some weight, having decided in February that I needed to. I hit a little milestone this morning (three stone loss) and it has left me reflecting on a few of the things I’ve learnt over the last few years, which I think are relevant for business as well as life.
You’ve got to want it, whatever ‘it’ is. I’ve known logically for years and years that I needed to lose weight, but somewhere deep inside me, I didn’t want to. I wasn’t a big fan of life for a long time, so somewhere inside me there really wasn’t any ‘point’ losing weight. I actually tried eating less, taking shakes, all sorts of things, but there was no real motivation or desire.
Tracey Emin reportedly said that she “didn’t know how much I wanted to live until I thought I was going to die” and I love that quote. I had covid in January and it scared me, and scared me enough to want to actively get healthier, so that I’m less likely to be that ill again. I didn’t have covid anywhere near as badly as a lot of people, but enough that it scared me, a lot.
And I’m happy, more of that in my next point, and decided I want to be around for as long as possible to enjoy it. I wasn’t always, by a long shot. And now I am.
In life and in business, unless I have my ‘why’ in place, it seems that I won’t do it, even…